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Maltidex maltitol

Maltidex® maltitol – a polyol derived from the hydrogenation of sugars - from corn or wheat starch – offers an easy one-to-one sucrose or full-calorie sweetener substitution while reducing calories.

It has a clean, pleasant taste and offers good humidity and moisture control, which stabilizes products, and improves texture and mouthfeel.

Sugar Reduction
Maltidex® has an energy value of 2.4 kcal/g, compared to full-calorie sweeteners’ 4 kcal/g.

Higher Relative Sweetness
Maltidex® powder offers similar sweetness to sucrose. It has a natural, sweet taste and boost fruity flavors, and reduces the need for high-intensity sweeteners. Maltidex® maltitol

Tooth Friendly
Maltidex® is non-cariogenic and does not contribute to tooth decay. Maltidex® maltitol

Maltidex maltitol
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